Have you ever heard of a conscience? When you in feel in your heart that you should be good or that you shouldn't do something wrong - that's God's Spirit talking to you. That is called your conscience When our hearts, or consciences, begin to help us see how bad sin is, we will learn to hate sin as a terrible thing.
Our consciences help us see that sin has taken us far away from God and has trapped us. lf we try to stop being bad, we'll find out that we can't do it by ourselves. our hearts are unclean and full of selfishness. We want God to forgive us and to make our hearts clean.
We want so much to be good.
We want to be like Jesus, but how can we? You need rest for your bothered, sad heart. You need to know that Jesus forgives you.How can you have that rest in your heart? You can't buy it. You can't get it by thinking really hard. You can't even work to earn it!
Guess what? God wants to give you a happy, restful heart as a present.
AII you have to do is decide to take it.
Jesus says, Even though your badness is as dark as the colour of blood, it can be clean like fresh snow. Even though your sins are dirty, you can be clean like new white paper lsaiah 1.18God promises to give you a brand-new heart. You have already told God that you are sorry for the times you've been bad. You've already chosen to put the bad things away. Now talk to Jesus and ask Him to wash away your sins and give you a new, clean heart.
Then you can know He has done it, because He promised He would Jesus has taught us that when we believe that we will get a new heart, we will. ln the Bible days, He was able to help people when they decided to believe He could. He loved to heal people's sick bodies so they would know that He could fix their sick hRemember, He did this to make them healthy and holy.
Once there was a man who lived at Bethesda. This man hurt and suffered all the time.He couldn't walk or even use his arms. But Jesus told him to pick up his blankets and walk.
That sick man could have said, "Well, You see, I can't walk. But if you will fix my legs and arms, then I will obey You."
But he didn't. He believed Jesus, and Jesus made him strong to do what he was told Jesus Made him well!We are sinners-we do bad things and break God's instructions. We can't fix our own hearts and suddenly be good.
But God promises to fix us! We believe Him.
We say we are sorry for the bad things
We have done and that we choose to give our hearts to Jesus. We Choose to obey. Just as soon as we do this, God will make us strong to obey.
We can believe that God gives us a new heart, and He really will! Jesus will
Give us new hearts, just like He gave that poor man a healed body.
Don't wait until you are holy and clean. Just say, "l believe it I know it's really true be- cause God promised me a brand-new heart.’
We can let Jesus give us a fresh heart. Then, when we pray and really believe, He'll give us many wonderful things. He wants us to be clean from sin and to be very good and holy.
When we pray for these things, we can be sure that they will come true. Then we will never have to be embarrassed about who we are, because we are about whom we are because we are following Jesus
From now on, you belong to Jesus. He bought you forever by dying for you.
You believe in Jesus, and so now you have a brand new heart
You are like a new baby Christian, and God loves you more than you know
Now that you've given your heart to Jesus, don't change your mind.
Every day you must choose to say, "I belong to Jesus". Because I gave my heart to Him."
Pray that God's Holy Spirit will make you strong to be like Jesus. Just like you choose give your heart to Jesus, you can choose to keep living for Him too.
Jesus wants to bless you with a happy heart right
You must always remember that Jesus will help you get rid of the bad things in your life. Jesus knows just how naughty you are, but He loves to have you come to Him just the way you are. Go to Jesus.
Pray to Him and be sad for how bad you've been. His goodness will wrap around you like a big hug, and He will make everything just right.
Thousands are nearly saved but actually totally lost for one mistaken reason. Many people don't believe that Jesus really wants to forgive them. They do not really believe that Jesus pardons them personally. That God sees them as if they never sinned every minute of their life ever since they were born. Exactly like His Son who never sinned when they make Him their Saviour. They fail to take God at His word. 😭But you can know that God will forgive you. Do you sometimes think that God doesn't want to forgive you? Don't even think about such a thing! 🙏🏼
No one is so bad that Jesus can't help him or her. Jesus is ready to take away from your heart everything that is ugly or dirty. He is ready to cover you with His wonderful sweetness.
Sometimes people have a hard time forgiving each other, butGod is not like that. He is so kind to people. He says that just aso soon as you turn from sin and come back to Him, He will Forgive you.
God knows that if we love to do bad things. Someday we will die forever. But He loves us and doesn't want for us to die!
Satan wants us to feel sad. He wants us to think that we have to die. Don't let him win! Don't ever listen to him.
When Satan makes you think that you'll always be bad or that you will die forever, put your fingers in your ears and say, "Jesus died for me! He loves me and wants me to live forever. I have been bad, but God has kind heart and will help me again." God will help you
God loves you so much. He loves you with a love that lasts forever, and His heart is full of kindness for you. lf you feel thatyou want to love God and be near Him, it's because His Holy Spirit is in your heart, pulling you to God.God has given you so many good promises; you don't need to Worry at all. Don't ever think that God doesn't like to help you and Forgive you. Don't think that God is mean-that just hurts your Own heart.
Are you afraid that God doesn't like you? Look up to Jesus in Heaven He is your wonderful Helper. Be thankful, because Jesus. Died for you.
Pray that God will help you to be good for Him. lf you. Give your heart to Jesus, He will bless you and make you happy and good.
Remember, God's promises are in the Bible to tell us just how much He loves us. Jesus thinks about us and loves us with His whole heart. He will save us and forgive us when we do bad Things.
God is our best Helper. He wants to make us good and sweet like He is. lf we go to Jesus and tell Him that we are sorry when we disobey, He will come near us and forgive us.
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