God promises that when we search for Him with our whole heart, we will find Him Jeremiah 23:13
When God first made Adam and Eve, they were very much like Him. Do you want to be like God? Then you must give your heart to Him
0f course, it's often easier to be bad than to be good. That’s because sin has made us have sick hearts. Sin has made us not strong enough to be good. Satan has trapped us. But God wants to set us free. lf we choose to obey, God will make us free and strong. He will change our entire hearts and lives.God doesn't want us to be robots; He wants us to be His friends. That's why He made us. lf we choose to obey Him, we will learn to understand the many gifts He has tucked away just for us. We will have the happy freedom that every friend of God receives.
It's up to you. You may choose to be stuck in Satan's trap or to be happy and free as God's special child. You can be stuck in selfishness and laziness, or you can give yourself completely to God. By giving yourself to God, you become His own child.
Some people say that they are friends of God, while they are trying very hard to obey His instructions on their own. They think that if they try hard enough, they'll be good enough to go heaven. They try to act like Christians, but unless their heart is completely changed by how much they love Jesus, they're not reaily Christians at all.
Some people do only what they think they have to do to make God happy. God's love makes us want to do as much as we can for Him and for other people or people say that they're Christians, but are not kind and loving and giving, they're actuaily not Christians at all. They are simply very unhappy people.
Do you feel like it's too hard to give your heart to Jesus?
Does it seem too hard to obey? Well, remember this: Jesus lived on this earth for you and let people hurt Him so that you could escape this sinful world! We don't deserve God's love, but He loves us anyway. Don't you want to give to your heart to Him?
Do you think you are a pretty good person? Jesus still wants you to be sorry when you are bad. He never did anything bad and yet He was sorry about sin. He let everyone think He was bad. He took our punishment so that He could save vou. Rethinking this thought. Does God punish us fgor our sins? Or do we actually punish ourselves?
My edit : Jesus was willingly to go through anything it might face to
Number 1. Help us agree with God about Sin & to hate sin
Number 2. To destroy Satan & sin forever. At the Last Judgment day the whole universe will completely agree that Satan - the author of sin & death deserves to be eliminated permanently for good.
Sometimes God asks us to give up something we like. But remember that He never asks us to give up something that He knows is really good for us. He just wants to give us what is best
God has the very best ideas for us. Wouldn't it be great if everyone understood the fun and happiness that God has in mind for them if they choose to obey Him? When we decide to disobey God, we always end up getting hurt.
lf God made an instruction (from the Life Manual) and we said No to Him, we would never be really happy until we decided to obey. God made us, and He knows what will make us happy When we disobey, we will always end up hurt and miserable.
Do you sometimes think that God likes it when you're sad or hurting? That's not true. God and all the angels want us to be happy God loves to teach us all how to be happy. All God's rules are His ways to teach us how to be happy. They are His ways that keep us away from things that will make us sad.
Do you know what? God knows just how naughty we are He understands that our hearts are not clean.
But if we choose to give our hearts to Him and if we choose to obey, He will clean our hearts right up with love and happiness. He will give peace to our bothered hearts
He knows that when we obey, we will be all happier than we've ever been before. When Jesus is truly in our heart then we will be completely happy.
Do you wonder how to give your unclean mind to God? Do you want to know how to give your heart to Jesus? Maybe you want to be good to be good, but being bad seems more fun. Maybe you’re so used to doing naughty things to doing naughty things that you don't even remember to do good anymore.
Have you promised to be good before? lt didn't very long do it? well for long, did it? You don't know how Io think better thoughts or do better things. You may think that you'll never be really good, or maybe that God doesn't even like you. Don't feel sad !
We need to unclerstand a very important word, and that word is choice. When we decide to obey or to disobey, is a choice. God has made us able to choose, but the choices we make are ours. We can't obey God or even love Him without special help. But we can choose to obey Him, and when we do, then He will make us strong to obey. This is how Jesus becomes our King.
Once we choose to give our hearts to Jesus, He will give us His own good heart.
It's nice to want to be good and holy, but if that's where it stops, it's really not enough. Not everyone who just wants to be a Christian will go to heaven. lf we want to go to heaven, we must decide to let God make the choices.lf we let Jesus make the choices, our whole lives will be changed When we let Jesus make our choices, He will be our strong Helper. He is stronger than anyone else. When we choose to give our choices to Jesus, He will teach us how to be real, trusting Christians
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