Friday, December 24, 2021

David Asks Why p7 Figuring out How to Know if you have a Brand new Heart?

If you belong to Jesus you will be a brand new person! Your life is no longer like it used to be. Everything is fresh and new. 2 Corinthians 5.17

You may not remember just when or where you gave you heart to Jesus. That’s OK. God’s Spirit is still working on your heart. God is strong and He knows just how to make your heart brand new and lovely. Do you want to be like Jesus? He is strong enough to make you that way.

How do you know if you have a brand-new heart? You can't do anything special yourself to get a new heart. There's nothing you can do by yourself to become God's friend. You can't trust yourself, but you can trust Jesus.

When you have a new heart, people will notice that you are different from the way you used to be. You act differently and talk differently. You want to do different things. People will be able to tell that you are not like you used to be. People will know that you are a Christian by the things you usually do and say. Jesus will help you make good habits.

Do you know that some people have an unclean heart, but still act okay on the outside? These people do lots of good things so other people with like them or so their lives will be easier.

Sometimes selfish people share. Sometimes people are very careful not to do anything mean just so they won't embarrass themselves.

So, if people who aren't really Christians can do good things. How can we know if we are Christians? Here's how. Ask yourselves, who has control of your heart? Who do you think about and talk about? Do you really love Jesus and want to obey Him? If you belong to Jesus, you will think about Him and be happy to give gifts to Him. You will want to be like Him and act like Him and be near Him. You will want to make Him happy.

When Jesus gives us new hearts, we will learn to be loving and cheerful and to have a restful heart and be patient. We will learn to be good and to believe in Jesus and not to be selfish. We will even learn to eat and play and work in just the right way- not too much and not too little I We will learn to be like Jesus. We will love the things we used to hate and hate the things we used to love. We will learn to let other people be first, and if we were Loud and naughty before, now we will be calm and polite. A true Christian will learn to not worry about fancy clothes and toys, He or she will learn that the most beautiful person is the one who is sweet and kind.

People don't have changed hearts unless they act differently from the way they did before. If you have a new heart, it's time to make things right, to say you're sorry, to love everybody. Then you can know that God has changed your heart.

When sad, disobedient people come to Jesus and get a new heart, God puts love in their hearts.  Every job they have is easier now. Whenever we give up something because Jesus asks us to, we can feel good. If life seemed sad dark before, now it's all lit up with Jesus' happiness. Jesus was so lovely and kind when He was here on earth. Those who follow Him will be that way 

Too. Jesus loved to do whatever His Father asked Him to do.   Jesus was excited about showing His love and about obeying His Father, and that's what helped Him to be strong to obey 

Everything He did was sweet and kind because He loved people. Love comes from God. A heart that   doesn't belong to Jesus can't come up with love all by itself. The   heart that belongs to Jesus is filled with true love. "We know   how to love because God taught us how" 1 John 4:19. When we   have new hearts, we will want to share God's love. God's love will change our hearts. It changes what we feel and think. This love makes our lives sweet and helps us make other people happy. There are two things that we must pay careful attention to if we want to be God's children. We already talked about one-we must never think that we can be good all by ourselves.

We can't make ourselves good; only God can do that. If we are trying to be good all by ourselves, we'll never become good, because our hearts are naturally selfish and naughty. But if we learn to trust in Jesus, He will make us good. The other thing that we need to watch   out for is this: some people think that God really doesn't care   very much whether or not they obey Him. They think that   because they believe in Jesus, they can do whatever they want. We shouldn't obey just because we think 

God makes us obey. We should obey because we love   God. When we love Him, we'll do what He asks us to. God's   rules teach us how to be like Him. And when we love Him, we will learn to keep His law or instructions. When we learn to keep His law or instructions, we   are learning to love just like He is.

If you listen closely at church, you may   hear people talking about something called "the new  covenant." A covenant is a very special promise that people make to   each other, God promises to save you and make you just   like Him. That is the new covenant. He says that He will write His rules or instructions in your heart. That means that you will want to   do what God asks you to do. 

And He will help you. It will change almost everything you do. Do you want to be God's helper? You can! 

 Be when you obey Him. The Bible says that when we really  love God, we will obey Him. If we say we love God, but don't do what He tells us to, we are liars. When we believe in God and when we love Him, it doesn't mean we can do whatever we  want. It means He will make us strong to do what He wants us to do.

Remember, God doesn't save you   because you are good. He saves you because it's His special gift to  you. But when you get that gift, you will learn to obey. The Bible   says that if you keep Jesus close to you all day long, you don't   have to sin or do bad things anymore. If you stay with Jesus, you will feel better. You will think good thoughts, and you will be  nice to other people. Don't let anyone fool you. People who are   holy and good will keep God's rules. But if they keep on breaking   God's rules, they are not holy'

If you say that you believe in God, but you decide to do what you want to do instead of obeying God, you are not really a Christian. One time, Jesus said to God, His Father, and “l love to do whatever You ask Me to do. I like to obey Your law or instructions" Psalm 40:8. Just before He went back to heaven, Jesus said, "l have His love" John 15.10. Do you know how you can tell if someone is a Christian? If they live like Jesus lived and do the kind of things He did, they are a Christian.

First John 2 verse 3 to 6

This is how we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments & instructions. Whoever says, I know Him. But keeps not His commandments & instructions  is a liar and he’s not in line with the truth. But whoever keeps His words  is God’s love made perfect. That’s how we know we are agreeing with Him. He that says he is sticking with Him, should walk like Jesus did

First Peter 2 verse 21

This is the reason you were called. Because Christ suffered for us, He left an example how to follow His steps

God's rules for living forever with Him are the same as they always have been. We must obey all of God's law or instructions' we must be like Jesus. If God let everyone, even mean, wicked people, live forever and ever, no one could be happy God just can't let bad- ness go on forever and ever.

When God made the first man, Adam, he was perfect. He was able to be good and holy all by himself. But he chose to sin. Since then, people just can't be good all by themselves.

We are sinful. We aren't good at all. God's law or instructions expects certain things from us, and we don't have anything inside of us that can make us do what we need to do. But God planned a way for us to escape. The plan was this: He would live here on earth as a man. He had some really hard times and was tempted just like we are. Yet He never sinned-not even once! Then He died for us. Now He has offered to trade places with us. He will take away our sins and give us His goodness and holiness"

Even though we have been bad before, if we give ourselves completely to Jesus, He will treat us just like we have never sinned. Jesus' goodness takes the place of our badness, and God accepts us as His children. just as though we were never bad at all.

In fact, God tells everyone that we are holy, but He does more than that. He changes our hearts by moving in and rnaking them His home. When we choose to really believe in God,

He will come and live in our hearts. But we have to keep letting Him stay there. If we choose to obey everything God asks us to do, He will stay in our hearts. As long as we choose to believe

And obey, He will make us strong to do everything He has asked us to do. Then we can say, "l live my life by believing in Jesus because He loves me and died for me" Galatians 2:20. Once

Jesus moves into our hearts, we will be like Him. We will act like Him and obey and do the kinds of things that He would do.

There's nothing about us that's worth bragging about. We shouldn't try to make other people think that we are important. But we can know that everything will be okay when Jesus says we're okay and when His Holy Spirit does wonderful things in us.

When you talk about faith, there’s something you should always remember. You may believe 

Something, but it may not really be faith at all Even Satan knows that there is a God and that He is very strong Satan and his angels  even know that  the Bible is really true . but that's not the same as having  faith in God or in the Bible. Faith is believing what God says and obeying; it’s giving your heart to Him and loving Him 

That's faith. Faith is busy too. Faith makes you love, and it makes   person loves to obey God's law or instructions! King David told God, l love Your law or instructions think about it all the time.  Psalm 119 verse 97

You'll feel the same way when you give your heart to Jesus. And when you follow God's Holy Spirit, you will be able to do what He wants you to do.

Some people really want to be God's children. God has forgiven them, and they know that He loves them. But they also know that they aren't perfect and that they have problems, they wonder if maybe they are not really Christians after all. Is that how you feel? Well, don't stop now Many times you will make mistakes. When this happens, don't be sad! Even if Satan trips you up and tricks you into being bad, Jesus  won't push you away. God the Father is in heaven, and Jesus is right beside Him, telling His Father all about how much He loves you.

Jeesusses  good friend, the disciple John, said, I'm telling you these things so that you don't sin. But if one of you does sin, don't forget that Jesus, who is perfect, is your Friend,  and He is on your side" 

First  John  verse 1

And don't forget Jesus said that His Father loves you very much John 16:27. He wants to bring you back to be close to Him. He wants you to have His own pure goodness shining out of you. He has already started doing wonderful things in your heart, and if you choose to obey Him,

He'll help you more and more until He comes. Pray and really, truly believe. When you learn that you can't trust yourself, then you'll be able to trust Jesus all the way. Then you'll sing songs of praise to the God who gives you a happy look on your Face.

The more we get to know Jesus, the more we will see how much we need Him. We will see how much better He is than we are. This is a good thing, because it means that Satan's lies aren't working so well anymore. Jesus is waking up our hearts and making we grow!

When we really learn to love Jesus, we'll be able to see that our hearts are actually naughty. But Jesus will change our hearts, and we will love Him more and more. If we don't see how much need Jesus, it's because we don't know how wonderful He When we learn that there is nothing good about ourselves, and then we can see how really great Jesus is. Then we will go to Him

To be forgiven. He will show us how strong He is. We must learn how much we need Jesus, and then we will want to pray and read the Bible. When we do this, we'll see how awesome Jesus is, and we will become more like Him.

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