Have you ever heard of a conscience? When you in feel in your heart that you should be good or that you shouldn't do something wrong - that's God's Spirit talking to you. That is called your conscience When our hearts, or consciences, begin to help us see how bad sin is, we will learn to hate sin as a terrible thing.
Our consciences help us see that sin has taken us far away from God and has trapped us. lf we try to stop being bad, we'll find out that we can't do it by ourselves. our hearts are unclean and full of selfishness. We want God to forgive us and to make our hearts clean.
We want so much to be good.
We want to be like Jesus, but how can we? You need rest for your bothered, sad heart. You need to know that Jesus forgives you.
How can you have that rest in your heart? You can't buy it. You can't get it by thinking really hard. You can't even work to earn it!
Guess what? God wants to give you a happy, restful heart as a present.
AII you have to do is decide to take it.
Jesus says, Even though your badness is as dark as the colour of blood, it can be clean like fresh snow. Even though your sins are dirty, you can be clean like new white paper lsaiah 1.18
God promises to give you a brand-new heart. You have already told God that you are sorry for the times you've been bad. You've already chosen to put the bad things away. Now talk to Jesus and ask Him to wash away your sins and give you a new, clean heart.
Then you can know He has done it, because He promised He would Jesus has taught us that when we believe that we will get a new heart, we will. ln the Bible days, He was able to help people when they decided to believe He could. He loved to heal people's sick bodies so they would know that He could fix their sick h
lf you want help to believe that Jesus will take away your sins, just spend time thinking about all the people in the Bible that He healed.
Remember, He did this to make them healthy and holy.
Once there was a man who lived at Bethesda. This man hurt and suffered all the time.
He couldn't walk or even use his arms. But Jesus told him to pick up his blankets and walk.
That sick man could have said, "Well, You see, I can't walk. But if you will fix my legs and arms, then I will obey You."
But he didn't. He believed Jesus, and Jesus made him strong to do what he was told Jesus Made him well!
We are sinners-we do bad things and break God's instructions. We can't fix our own hearts and suddenly be good.
But God promises to fix us! We believe Him.
We say we are sorry for the bad things
We have done and that we choose to give our hearts to Jesus. We Choose to obey. Just as soon as we do this, God will make us strong to obey.
We can believe that God gives us a new heart, and He really will! Jesus will
Give us new hearts, just like He gave that poor man a healed body.
Don't wait until you are holy and clean. Just say, "l believe it I know it's really true be- cause God promised me a brand-new heart.’
We can let Jesus give us a fresh heart. Then, when we pray and really believe, He'll give us many wonderful things. He wants us to be clean from sin and to be very good and holy.
When we pray for these things, we can be sure that they will come true. Then we will never have to be embarrassed about who we are, because we are about whom we are because we are following Jesus
From now on, you belong to Jesus. He bought you forever by dying for you.
You believe in Jesus, and so now you have a brand new heart
You are like a new baby Christian, and God loves you more than you know
Now that you've given your heart to Jesus, don't change your mind.
Every day you must choose to say, "I belong to Jesus". Because I gave my heart to Him."
Pray that God's Holy Spirit will make you strong to be like Jesus. Just like you choose give your heart to Jesus, you can choose to keep living for Him too.
Jesus wants to bless you with a happy heart right
You must always remember that Jesus will help you get rid of the bad things in your life. Jesus knows just how naughty you are, but He loves to have you come to Him just the way you are. Go to Jesus.
Pray to Him and be sad for how bad you've been. His goodness will wrap around you like a big hug, and He will make everything just right.
Thousands are nearly saved but actually totally lost for one mistaken reason. Many people don't believe that Jesus really wants to forgive them. They do not really believe that Jesus pardons them personally. That God sees them as if they never sinned every minute of their life ever since they were born. Exactly like His Son who never sinned when they make Him their Saviour. They fail to take God at His word. 😭But you can know that God will forgive you. Do you sometimes think that God doesn't want to forgive you? Don't even think about such a thing! 🙏🏼
No one is so bad that Jesus can't help him or her. Jesus is ready to take away from your heart everything that is ugly or dirty. He is ready to cover you with His wonderful sweetness.
Sometimes people have a hard time forgiving each other, but
God is not like that. He is so kind to people. He says that just aso soon as you turn from sin and come back to Him, He will Forgive you.
God knows that if we love to do bad things. Someday we will die forever. But He loves us and doesn't want for us to die!
Satan wants us to feel sad. He wants us to think that we have to die. Don't let him win! Don't ever listen to him.
When Satan makes you think that you'll always be bad or that you will die forever, put your fingers in your ears and say, "Jesus died for me! He loves me and wants me to live forever. I have been bad, but God has kind heart and will help me again." God will help you
God loves you so much. He loves you with a love that lasts forever, and His heart is full of kindness for you. lf you feel thatyou want to love God and be near Him, it's because His Holy Spirit is in your heart, pulling you to God.
God has given you so many good promises; you don't need to Worry at all. Don't ever think that God doesn't like to help you and Forgive you. Don't think that God is mean-that just hurts your Own heart.
Are you afraid that God doesn't like you? Look up to Jesus in Heaven He is your wonderful Helper. Be thankful, because Jesus. Died for you.
Pray that God will help you to be good for Him. lf you. Give your heart to Jesus, He will bless you and make you happy and good.
Remember, God's promises are in the Bible to tell us just how much He loves us. Jesus thinks about us and loves us with His whole heart. He will save us and forgive us when we do bad Things.
God is our best Helper. He wants to make us good and sweet like He is. lf we go to Jesus and tell Him that we are sorry when we disobey, He will come near us and forgive us.
If you belong to Jesus you will be a brand new person! Your life is no longer like it used to be. Everything is fresh and new. 2 Corinthians 5.17
You may not remember just when or where you gave you heart to Jesus. That’s OK. God’s Spirit is still working on your heart. God is strong and He knows just how to make your heart brand new and lovely. Do you want to be like Jesus? He is strong enough to make you that way.
How do you know if you have a brand-new heart? You can't do anything special yourself to get a new heart. There's nothing you can do by yourself to become God's friend. You can't trust yourself, but you can trust Jesus.
When you have a new heart, people will notice that you are different from the way you used to be. You act differently and talk differently. You want to do different things. People will be able to tell that you are not like you used to be. People will know that you are a Christian by the things you usually do and say. Jesus will help you make good habits.
Do you know that some people have an unclean heart, but still act okay on the outside? These people do lots of good things so other people with like them or so their lives will be easier.
Sometimes selfish people share. Sometimes people are very careful not to do anything mean just so they won't embarrass themselves.
So, if people who aren't really Christians can do good things. How can we know if we are Christians? Here's how. Ask yourselves, who has control of your heart? Who do you think about and talk about? Do you really love Jesus and want to obey Him? If you belong to Jesus, you will think about Him and be happy to give gifts to Him. You will want to be like Him and act like Him and be near Him. You will want to make Him happy.
When Jesus gives us new hearts, we will learn to be loving and cheerful and to have a restful heart and be patient. We will learn to be good and to believe in Jesus and not to be selfish. We will even learn to eat and play and work in just the right way- not too much and not too little I We will learn to be like Jesus. We will love the things we used to hate and hate the things we used to love. We will learn to let other people be first, and if we were Loud and naughty before, now we will be calm and polite. A true Christian will learn to not worry about fancy clothes and toys, He or she will learn that the most beautiful person is the one who is sweet and kind.
People don't have changed hearts unless they act differently from the way they did before. If you have a new heart, it's time to make things right, to say you're sorry, to love everybody. Then you can know that God has changed your heart.
When sad, disobedient people come to Jesus and get a new heart, God puts love in their hearts. Every job they have is easier now. Whenever we give up something because Jesus asks us to, we can feel good. If life seemed sad dark before, now it's all lit up with Jesus' happiness. Jesus was so lovely and kind when He was here on earth. Those who follow Him will be that way
Too. Jesus loved to do whatever His Father asked Him to do. Jesus was excited about showing His love and about obeying His Father, and that's what helped Him to be strong to obey
Everything He did was sweet and kind because He loved people. Love comes from God. A heart that doesn't belong to Jesus can't come up with love all by itself. The heart that belongs to Jesus is filled with true love. "We know how to love because God taught us how" 1 John 4:19. When we have new hearts, we will want to share God's love. God's love will change our hearts. It changes what we feel and think. This love makes our lives sweet and helps us make other people happy. There are two things that we must pay careful attention to if we want to be God's children. We already talked about one-we must never think that we can be good all by ourselves.
We can't make ourselves good; only God can do that. If we are trying to be good all by ourselves, we'll never become good, because our hearts are naturally selfish and naughty. But if we learn to trust in Jesus, He will make us good. The other thing that we need to watch out for is this: some people think that God really doesn't care very much whether or not they obey Him. They think that because they believe in Jesus, they can do whatever they want. We shouldn't obey just because we think
God makes us obey. We should obey because we love God. When we love Him, we'll do what He asks us to. God's rules teach us how to be like Him. And when we love Him, we will learn to keep His law or instructions. When we learn to keep His law or instructions, we are learning to love just like He is.
If you listen closely at church, you may hear people talking about something called "the new covenant." A covenant is a very special promise that people make to each other, God promises to save you and make you just like Him. That is the new covenant. He says that He will write His rules or instructions in your heart. That means that you will want to do what God asks you to do.
And He will help you. It will change almost everything you do. Do you want to be God's helper? You can!
Be when you obey Him. The Bible says that when we really love God, we will obey Him. If we say we love God, but don't do what He tells us to, we are liars. When we believe in God and when we love Him, it doesn't mean we can do whatever we want. It means He will make us strong to do what He wants us to do.
Remember, God doesn't save you because you are good. He saves you because it's His special gift to you. But when you get that gift, you will learn to obey. The Bible says that if you keep Jesus close to you all day long, you don't have to sin or do bad things anymore. If you stay with Jesus, you will feel better. You will think good thoughts, and you will be nice to other people. Don't let anyone fool you. People who are holy and good will keep God's rules. But if they keep on breaking God's rules, they are not holy'
If you say that you believe in God, but you decide to do what you want to do instead of obeying God, you are not really a Christian. One time, Jesus said to God, His Father, and “l love to do whatever You ask Me to do. I like to obey Your law or instructions" Psalm 40:8. Just before He went back to heaven, Jesus said, "l have His love" John 15.10. Do you know how you can tell if someone is a Christian? If they live like Jesus lived and do the kind of things He did, they are a Christian.
First John 2 verse 3 to 6
This is how we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments & instructions. Whoever says, I know Him. But keeps not His commandments & instructions is a liar and he’s not in line with the truth. But whoever keeps His words is God’s love made perfect. That’s how we know we are agreeing with Him. He that says he is sticking with Him, should walk like Jesus did
First Peter 2 verse 21
This is the reason you were called. Because Christ suffered for us, He left an example how to follow His steps
God's rules for living forever with Him are the same as they always have been. We must obey all of God's law or instructions' we must be like Jesus. If God let everyone, even mean, wicked people, live forever and ever, no one could be happy God just can't let bad- ness go on forever and ever.
When God made the first man, Adam, he was perfect. He was able to be good and holy all by himself. But he chose to sin. Since then, people just can't be good all by themselves.
We are sinful. We aren't good at all. God's law or instructions expects certain things from us, and we don't have anything inside of us that can make us do what we need to do. But God planned a way for us to escape. The plan was this: He would live here on earth as a man. He had some really hard times and was tempted just like we are. Yet He never sinned-not even once! Then He died for us. Now He has offered to trade places with us. He will take away our sins and give us His goodness and holiness"
Even though we have been bad before, if we give ourselves completely to Jesus, He will treat us just like we have never sinned. Jesus' goodness takes the place of our badness, and God accepts us as His children. just as though we were never bad at all.
In fact, God tells everyone that we are holy, but He does more than that. He changes our hearts by moving in and rnaking them His home. When we choose to really believe in God,
He will come and live in our hearts. But we have to keep letting Him stay there. If we choose to obey everything God asks us to do, He will stay in our hearts. As long as we choose to believe
And obey, He will make us strong to do everything He has asked us to do. Then we can say, "l live my life by believing in Jesus because He loves me and died for me" Galatians 2:20. Once
Jesus moves into our hearts, we will be like Him. We will act like Him and obey and do the kinds of things that He would do.
There's nothing about us that's worth bragging about. We shouldn't try to make other people think that we are important. But we can know that everything will be okay when Jesus says we're okay and when His Holy Spirit does wonderful things in us.
When you talk about faith, there’s something you should always remember. You may believe
Something, but it may not really be faith at all Even Satan knows that there is a God and that He is very strong Satan and his angels even know that the Bible is really true . but that's not the same as having faith in God or in the Bible. Faith is believing what God says and obeying; it’s giving your heart to Him and loving Him
That's faith. Faith is busy too. Faith makes you love, and it makes person loves to obey God's law or instructions! King David told God, l love Your law or instructions think about it all the time. Psalm 119 verse 97
You'll feel the same way when you give your heart to Jesus. And when you follow God's Holy Spirit, you will be able to do what He wants you to do.
Some people really want to be God's children. God has forgiven them, and they know that He loves them. But they also know that they aren't perfect and that they have problems, they wonder if maybe they are not really Christians after all. Is that how you feel? Well, don't stop now Many times you will make mistakes. When this happens, don't be sad! Even if Satan trips you up and tricks you into being bad, Jesus won't push you away. God the Father is in heaven, and Jesus is right beside Him, telling His Father all about how much He loves you.
Jeesusses good friend, the disciple John, said, I'm telling you these things so that you don't sin. But if one of you does sin, don't forget that Jesus, who is perfect, is your Friend, and He is on your side"
First John verse 1
And don't forget Jesus said that His Father loves you very much John 16:27. He wants to bring you back to be close to Him. He wants you to have His own pure goodness shining out of you. He has already started doing wonderful things in your heart, and if you choose to obey Him,
He'll help you more and more until He comes. Pray and really, truly believe. When you learn that you can't trust yourself, then you'll be able to trust Jesus all the way. Then you'll sing songs of praise to the God who gives you a happy look on your Face.
The more we get to know Jesus, the more we will see how much we need Him. We will see how much better He is than we are. This is a good thing, because it means that Satan's lies aren't working so well anymore. Jesus is waking up our hearts and making we grow!
When we really learn to love Jesus, we'll be able to see that our hearts are actually naughty. But Jesus will change our hearts, and we will love Him more and more. If we don't see how much need Jesus, it's because we don't know how wonderful He When we learn that there is nothing good about ourselves, and then we can see how really great Jesus is. Then we will go to Him
To be forgiven. He will show us how strong He is. We must learn how much we need Jesus, and then we will want to pray and read the Bible. When we do this, we'll see how awesome Jesus is, and we will become more like Him.
When Jesus gives us new hearts, we will learn to be loving and cheerful and to have a restful heart and be patient. We will learn to be good and to believe in Jesus and not to be selfish. We will even learn to eat and play and work in just the right way - not too much and not too little. We will learn to be like Jesus.
We will love the things we used to hate and hate the things we used to love. We will learn to let other people be first, and if we were Loud and naughty before, now we will be calm and polite. A true Christian will learn to not worry about fancy clothes and toys, He or she will learn hat the most beautiful person is the one who is sweet and kind.
People don't have changed hearts unless they act differently from the way they did before. If you have a new heart, it's time to make things right, to say you're sorry, to love everybody.
Then you can know that God has changed your heart.
There is air all around the world and Jesus' saving love is kind of like that - it's everywhere. Everyone who wants to can breathe in this love and power, and it will make them grow up to be God's men and women.
When flowers are growing, they turn their faces toward the sun. This helps them grow and be more beautiful and perfect. The Bible calls Jesus the Sunshine of goodness; and if we look to Him, His light will shine on us' Then we'll grow and grow and become like Him.
Jesus teaches us the same thing. He said Stay close to Me and let Me stay close to you' A branch on a tree can't make any Fruit unless it's connected to the tree And you can't make any Fruit unless you stick with Me'
You can't do anything without Me. John 15.4-5 If a branch is broke off the vine that grew it, it will die.
And if you go away from Jesus you can't have live a holy good life either. You can't grow, and you can’t say no to Satan if you don’t let Jesus stay in your heart don’t let
Jesus stay in your heart As long as you keep getting life from Jesus, you will be fresh and lovely and your life will be full of good things.
You'll be strong and lovely kind of like the beautiful green trees that grow by the water
Many people think if they trust Jesus, He will forgive them. But they also think that if they want to be a Christian, they have to work really hard to be good. You can try and try by yourself-
But it just won't work! Jesus said you can't do anything without him. If you want to grow in Jesus, if you want to be happy and a Good helper, you have to count on Jesus.
If you stick close to Him, if you spend time with Him and talk to Him always, every day, your trust will grow
The Bible calls this "abiding in Him” Jesus is the One who helped us believe on him and He is the One who will make us perfect and lovely. Jesus is the most important thing - first, last, and always. He promises to be with you every moment every day King David said that he paid attention to the Lord all the time. He knew that because
Jesus was with Him all the time, no one could ever make Him do wrong Psalm 16.8.
Do you wonder how you're supposed to stay with Jesus?
The Bible says, "Walk in Jesus the same way that you let Him come into to your heart in the first place"
Colossians 2.6 If you want to be good and holy, you must truly believe in Jesus Hebrews 10:38
You gave your heart and your life to Jesus so that you could be air His You want to obey Him and make Him happy because you know He is the One who saves you.
You could never make your sins go away or get a new heart by yourself, but you know that God did this for you to make us perfect and lovely.
Jesus is the most important thing-first, last, and always. He promises to be with you every moment of every day. King David said that he paid attention to the Lord all the time. He knew that because Jesus was with Him all the time.
No one could ever make Him do wrong Psalm 16:8. Do you wonder how you're supposed to stay with Jesus? The Bible says, "Walk in Jesus the same way that you let Him come into to your heart in the first place" Colossians 2:6.
If you want to be good and holy, you must truly believe in Jesus Hebrews 10:38.
You gave your heart and your life to Jesus so that you could be all His. You want to obey Him and make Him happy because you know He is the One who saves you.
You could never make your sins go away or get a new heart by yourself, but you know that God did this for you.
You chose to believe and give your heart to Jesus.
You will grow in the same way. Choose to keep giving your heart to Jesus and taking the wonderful gifts He has for you. Keep giving everything to Jesus. Choose to love Him and obey Him in everything He asks.
Then you must take everything He wants to give you. He wants to give you Himself and to be your Friend. He will give you a happy heart. He will live inside your heart and make you be strong and good He will help forever and make you strong to obey
When you first wake up in the morning, promise your heart to God Pray to Jesus, "Make me all Yours, dear Lord. want You to be the Boss of my day. Let me be a helper for You today. Stay with me and help me do what
You want me to do." You need to do this every day. Every morning you must give your whole day to God Let Him teach you what to do that day. Let Him help you choose what to do all day long Every day you can give your life to God again, and then you will become more and more Like Jesus.
If you want to have rest in your heart and not have to worry, you can just keep giving your life to Jesus You may not feel excited, but you can trust Jesus You don't have to believe in yourself and just hope that you can do what you need to do. You can just believe in Jesus Christ.
You are really weak by yourself, but you and Jesus can be a team. He's strong and you are weak. He is smart and you don’t know very much. You don't have to worry about being a Christian all by yourself Don't even think about yourself-think about Jesus. Think about His love and beauty and goodness. Jesus put other people first and was humble.
He was pure and holy Think about the best love that ever was, Jesus' love.
Do you want to be like Jesus? Here's how. You must love Him and copy Him. You trust depend on Him to help you, and you will
Jesus tells us, "Abide in Me." This teaches us rest and trust. We don't have to always change our minds or become confused. Jesus helps us to know what we have to do.
He says, "If you come to Me, will give you rest" Matthew 11:28. King David says the same thing. Rest in God, and wait for Him patiently. Psalm 37.7 The prophet Isaiah tells us that we can be strong when we're quiet and sure in God Isaiah 30:15.
Now, we're not talking about being lazy. Jesus said that we can have peaceful hearts of rest only when we work with Him. He says that if we work with Him, that He will give us quiet, peaceful hearts Matthew 11:29
We can rest the best when we've worked the hardest for Jesus.
The person who ignores the advice of people who don't love God will be really happy. He'll be happy if he doesn't do the things that sinners do or mock people. This kind of person loves God's law & instructions - it makes him happy because he thinks about it all the time.
This kind of person is like a tree planted near a river-a tree that has plenty of water and produces a lot of fruit and has a beautiful green leaf all year long. Everything this person does will turn out well.
When you think about yourself, you can't really spend time thinking about Jesus. But He's the only way to be strong and have a real life. This is why Satan tries and tries to take your thoughts away from Jesus. He doesn't want you to be friends with Jesus.
Satan likes for you to think about how much fun you can have doing just what you want to do. He wants you to think about all the worries and sadness going on everywhere.
He loves for you to think about how bad someone else is or maybe even how bad you are. Don't be tricked by his lies If you want to follow Jesus, Satan will try to get you to worry about how bad and weak you are.
This is how he wants to take your heart away from Jesus.
Stop thinking so much about yourself! You don't have to be scared and wonder if Jesus will save you. This just makes you forget Jesus and how strong He is. Trust God with your heart.
alk about Jesus and think about Him. Start thinking about Jesus instead of yourself. Don't be scared. Don't do your own thing anymore, but let Jesus make your choices for you. Trust in Him because He loves you so much that He died for you Galatians 2.20.
If you let Jesus help you, He will make you a real winner because He loves you so much! When Jesus became a person like us, He tied Himself to us by love" Nothing can ever take us away from Jesus unless we choose to push Him away. Satan always brings exciting things to tempt us to push Jesus away.
This is why we need to pay attention and pray and do our best so tlat nothing will make us choose Satan tested of Jesus. We can choose to follow Satan or Jesus. Either one. But keep looking at Jesus and He will keep you strong.
As long as you keep looking at Jesus, you are safe Nothing can take you away from Him. As you watch Him and learn about Him, 'you will be made more and more like Him, because His Holy Spirit will help you 2 Corinthians 3 verse 18. This is how Jesus' special fefinds, the disciples, became so much like their dear Jesus When they heard
Jesus talking, they knew that they needed Him. They looked for Him and found Him and then they followed Him
They stayed with Him all the time while they slept and ate and prayed and walked outside. Every day, they learned from Jesus, their Teacher. Every day, He taught them new lessons about God's truth. They paid attention to Jesus? because they wanted to be His servants and to learn how to obey Him
The disciples had the same feelings we have; they had hard times, just as we do James 5:17 they were tempted to sin, and they needed Jesus so that they could live good lives.
John called himself the disciple that Jesus loved. He was the most like Jesus of all the disciples, but he wasn't this way on his own. on his own. He was selfish and wanted people to think he was important. He was rude and became hateful when people were mean to him. But as he watched Jesus and saw how good He was. He saw how weak he, himself, was.
He watched how strong and patient Jesus was. Jesus was strong, but kind and gentle He was like a king, but He was also humble and not selfish every day, John watched these things in Jesus, and he learned to love Jesus and to want to be just like Him.
Every day, he learned to love Jesus more until he didn't even think about Himself anymore. All he could think about was his love for Jesus.
Jesus' power changed John's bad temper. The Holy Spirit gave him a brand-new heart. Jesus' love was so strong that it changed John's whole life. And this is what always happens when we
Even after Jesus went back up to heaven, the people who Ioved Him still felt that He was near them in their hearts. They felt that He was really still there with them, and they could still feel His love. Jesus was the One who'd saved them. He had walked with them and talked and prayed with them. He had given them hope and had made their hearts happy As He was going back to Heaven, His words had come back to them: ' Listen, He said, 'l will be with you always. I will be with you even to the very end of the world' Matthew 28.20
Jesus had gone back up to heaven. His friends knew that now He was beside His Father's throne, but that He was still their Friend. They knew He still loved. Jesus showed His Father the good work that He had done on earth. He showed Him the scars in His hands and feet that He got from dying for people on earth.
His friends were happy because they knew He'd gone to heaven to get things ready for them and that He'd come back and get them.
After Jesus went back to heaven, His friends were excited to get together for prayer meetings. Now they prayed to God in Jesus' name. They remembered that Jesus had said, "if you ask the Father for anything in My name, He will give it to you. You haven't asked anything in My name yet, but when you do, you'll get what you ask for. And you can be completely happy" John 16.23
They trusted Jesus more and more because they knew that He had died for them and that He had come to life again and was with God the Father. He knew He was their Friend Romans 8:34. Jesus had promised them that after He left, someone else would come to live inside their hearts.
He said that for Him to go back to heaven was actually the best thing for them, because then they could have this new Friend John 16.23, 24. This new Friend, the Holy Spirit, came just fifty days after Jesus rose up from the dead. This is how Jesus was able to stay in the hearts of His friends all the time. Now they could be even closer and better friends with Him than they ever had been before.
Jesus' friends were f full of His love and power and truth. other people saw them and were surprised and paid attention to them, because the people could tell that they'd been with Jesus Acts 4:13.
Jesus wants to be your Friend and Helper just as He was to His special friends, the disciples. The last time that Jesus prayed With His friends, He said, I’m not praying just for these people here, but I'm praying for everyone who will ever believe on Me John 17:20.
Jesus was praying for us! He asked His Father to draw us so close to Him that we would be like one person with Him. This is just the way that Jesus and His Father are, and He wants to be that close to us too. What a wonderful friendship! Jesus said that He couldn't do anything by Himself. He said that His Father lived in His heart and that His Father was the one who did things for Him John 5:19; 14:10.
So, if we let Jesus live in our hearts, He will help us do good things Philippians 2.13. We will work like He worked, and we will have the same attitude He had.
When we love Jesus and stay with Him, we will grow up to be just like Him Ephesians 4:15
Life and light and happiness come from God. He shares these things
with everyone and everything He made. lf people have God's life in their
hearts, they will share that with other people he same way God shares good things with them.
They will share love and good things to others.
More than anything else, Jesus loved to lift up people and save
them. He was even willing to die, if He could just save people That is why He
died on the cross. God's angels spend all of their time working to make other
people happy too. That is what angels most love to do.
Selfish people think it's embarrassing to help people who
are less important than they are. But angels like to do it. Jesus isn't selfish
at all. He always puts other people first. So does everyone in heaven. That's
why heaven is such a happy place. People here on earth who really love Jesus
will be this way too.
They will do what needs to be done to help and care for other
people When Jesus' love is in your heart, it will be so sweet that you can't
hide it. That love is holy, and everyone who comes near will feel it. When
Jesus is in your heart, you'll be like water to thirsty people who feel they
are going to die without a drink of water. They will be thirsty to know that
Jesus loves them lf you love Jesus, you will want to help people the way He
His love will make you loving and gentle. lt will make you
kind to every person or animal that God has made. Jesus wasn't lazy. He didn't
spend His time trying to make Himself more comfortable. He worked hard to save
From the time He was born until the time He died, He was
never self- ish. He didn't try to get out of doing hard jobs or long, tiring
trips or hard work, He said, "l didn't come so you could help Me. I came
to help people and then to die for them" (Matthew 20.28)
The main thing Jesus came to do was to help people. Nothing else
was quite so important to Him. The things He did were never selfish. lf you
have Jesus' love and power in your life, you'll be willing to give up anything
so that other people can go to heaven with you. You will do all you can to make
the world better.
That's how people are who have new hearts. As soon as you
come to Jesus, you'll want to tell other people about your precious Friend. you
can't hide the fact that He's your
lf Jesus' righteousness is covering you like a warm,
beautiful coat, if you have God's Holy Spirit
in your heart. you won't be able to keep quiet about
it! lf you have learned how good Jesus is, you will just have to tell
other people. You'll want to invite them to come meet Jesus
too. You will want to tell them about your wonderful Jesus and about heaven. You
will want to follow Jesus and be just like Him.
You'll want other people to meet Jesus who can take away their
sins (John 1:29)!
And when you try to bless other people and make them
happy, it will make you happy too.
That's why God wants us to help Him
save people, because when we tell someone about Him, it
makes us really, truly happy. When we take the new heart
that Jesus wants to give us, and then it will be our turn to share what we
have with other people.
The most important job we can
ever have and the thing that will make us most happy, is to share God's
good things with other people. lf you want to become
a very close friend with Jesus, work with Him because you
love Him. God could have asked angels to tell people about Him and His
love. He could have had them do all the work. But He loved
us so much that He let us work with Him and the angels.
We get to share blessings and happiness with other people
When someone hurts us or is mean to us, we understand
how Jesus felt when people were mean to Him. Every time we give
up something to help someone, we learn to love giving.
This is how we learn to be part of Jesus' team-the team that
helps Him save the world. The Bible says Jesus
"used to be rich,but He decided to be poor so that we could be
rich" (2 Corinthians 13:9).
lf you want to have a happy life, you give and share with others.
Be unselfish, because that's what God wants. When you work like Jesus wants you
to and help people to know and love Him, you will understand that
you need nature and more of Jesus and
His goodness yourself.
Then you will pray, and God will give you more faith so that
you will believe in Him even more. You will be filled with His
goodness and power. when had things happen or when people are
mean. pray more and read the Bible. Then you will grow in
Jesus' love and power, and you will know Him better and be happier. ple. That is why He died on the cross.
God's angels spend all of their time working to make other
people happy too. That is what angels most love to do. Selfish people think
it's embarrassing to help people who are less important than they are. But
angels like to do it.
Jesus isn't selfish at all. He always puts other people
first. So does everyone in heaven. That's why heaven is such a happy place.
People here on earth who really love Jesus will be this way too. They will do
what needs to be done to help and care for other people
When Jesus' love is in your heart, it will be so sweet that you
can’t hide it. That love is holy, and everyone who comes near will feel it.
When Jesus is in your heart, you'll be like water to thirsty people who feel
they are going to die without a drink of water.
They will be thirsty to know that Jesus loves them
lf you love Jesus, you will want to help people the way He did.
His love will make you loving and gentle. lt will make you kind to every person
or animal that God has made. Jesus wasn't lazy. He didn't spend His time trying
to make Himself more comfortable. He worked hard to save people, From the time
He was born until the time He died, He was never selfish. He didn't try to get
out of doing hard jobs or long, tiring trips or hard work, He said, "l
didn't come so you could help Me. I came to help people and then to die for
them" (Matthew 20.28)
The main thing Jesus came to do was to help people. Nothing
else was quite so important to Him. The things He did were never selfish. if f
you have Jesus' love and power in your life, you'll be willing to give up
anything so that other people can go to heaven with you. You will do all you
can to make the world better.
That's how people are who have new hearts. As
soon as you come to Jesus, you’ll want to tell other people about your precious
Friend. You can't hide the fact that He's your Helper. lf Jesus' righteousness is
covering you like a warm, beautiful coat, if you have God’s Holy Spirit in your
heart. you won't be able to keep quiet about it! lf you have learned how good
Jesus is, you will just have to tell other people.
You'll want to invite them to come meet Jesus too. You will
want to tell them about your wonderful Jesus and about heaven. You will want to
follow Jesus and be just like Him. You'll want other people to meet Jesus who
can take away their sins (John 1:29)!
And when you try to bless other people and make them happy, it
will make you happy too. That's why God wants us to help Him save people,
because when we tell someone about Him, it makes us really, truly happy. When
we take the new heart that
Jesus wants to give us, then it will be our turn to share
what we have with other people. The most important job we can ever have-and the
thing that will make us most happy-is to share God's good things with other
people. lf you want to become a very close friend with Jesus, work with Him
because you love Him.
God could have asked angels to tell people about Him and His
love. He could have had them do all the work. But He loved us so much that He
let us work with Him and the angels. We get to share blessings and happiness
with other people
When someone hurts us or is mean to us, we understand how Jesus
felt when people were mean to Him. Every time we give up something to help someone,
we learn to love giving. This is how we learn to be part of Jesus' team-the
team that helps Him save the world. The Bible says Jesus "used to be rich,
but him decided to be poor so that we could be rich" (2 Corinthians 13:9).
lf you want to have a happy life; you give and share with others. Be unselfish,
because that's what God wants.
When you work like Jesus wants you to and help people to know
and love Him, you will understand that you need nature and more of Jesus and His goodness yourself. Then
you will pray, and God will give you more faith so that you will believe in Him
even more. You will be filled with His goodness and power. when had things
happen or when people are mean. pray more and read the Bible. Then you will
grow in Jesus' love and power, and you will know Him better and be happier.
When you are unselfish, Like Jesus, you will be lovely like Jesus
You will be happy, and there will be no room in your life to be lazy or selfish. As you practice being this kind of a Christian, you'll grow and become a strong worker for God. You'll be able to better understand things about God, and your faith fill be stronger Your prayers will be strong and powerful too. God's Spirit will change you and make you more and more lovely. lf you spend your time learning to help others and not be selfish, you will show that Jesus has saved you.
There is only one way for God's love and power to grow in your life. Do the work Jesus wants you to do Do the best job you can to help the people who need you. lf you exercise, your body becomes stronger
To live a healthy, active life, you have to run and jump and play.
It's the same with your love for God. lf you just take all the gifts God gives you, and then sit back and be lazy andnever do anything for Jesus; it's like never exercising your muscles
lt doesn't work very well. lf you don't do anything except eat and eat, you'll die And if you just take all of God’s gifts and don’t share them with others, you’ll wither away spiritually you won't grow, and before long, you won't be a Christian at all
Who do you think God expects to teach people how to have their sins forgiven and be saved? It’s His church on earth-His people. The church's job is to tell people everywhere the good news about Jesus. This is what every Christian should be doing.
We need to tell people about Jesus as best we can and teach them to love and follow Him. God gave us the wonderful things of love and heaven so
We need to wake up and do what we're supposed to do When we do, many people everywhere will be telling other people about Jesus, even though now there are just a few. You may not be able to go to some faraway country and tell people about Jesus and heaven. give money to send people who can go. And you can be kind and helpful wherever you are-and pray for those who have gone far away to share Jesus' love. lf we would wake up and do what we need to do, more people everywhere would know about Jesus.
We don't have to go to places that have never heard of Jesus. We can work for Jesus in our own house if that is where He wants us to work. We can share Jesus with our family and with people in our church. We should share Jesus with our friends and with the people in our neighbourhood or at school or at the store.
When Jesus was here on earth, He spent most of His life working to build things as a carpenter. He lived and worked with poor people, and angels helped Him as He worked hard at the job He was supposed to do. For most of Jesus life on earth, people didn't even know who He was, and it seemed that no one really cared.
He was faithful though. He was just as good aworker as a carpenter at home as He was later when He healed people and preached. Whatever your job is, Jesus will help you, and when you do your job well, you are working with Him.
The Bible says, Whatever you are supposed to do, stay close to God while you do it First Corinthians 7 verse 24
lf people are really Christians, they will be Christians in every little thing they do, no matter what their jobs are. This is one way to show Jesus to other people. Christians are always good workers. When people see this, they will learn to love Jesus too.
Sometimes people say, That person over there does a much better job than I do. I'll just let them do it all. I shouldn't waste my time. Should people who are really smart or good at what they do be the only ones who should work for God? of course not!
The Bible tells us to give what we have and share what we can. We must all do the very best job we can. Then when Jesus comes again, He will be happy and will pay attention to everything we've done.
When we have any work to do, we should do it with a loving heart, because we're really doing it for Jesus (Colossians 3 verse 23). lf we really love God, we'll act like it. The sweet fragrance of Jesus' love will be all around us, and other people will be lifted up and made happier, just because we're around,
Don't wait until you can do something big and special before you do anything for God. Don't worry about what other people think of you. lf you are pure and sweet and if you believe in God and if other people know that you want to help them, then everything you do will be a help to someone.
Even if someone is ordinary or poor, he or she can still make other people happy. Sometimes we don't even know how much we are helping someone. We can't know all the good things that happen because we are kind and helpful-and we won't until Jesus comes again.
We may not think our work is very special, but we don't have to worry about it. lf we just keep on quietlydoing what Jesus has asked us to do, we will be a really big help too many people. And all the time, our hearts will be growing more and more like Jesus' heart because when we work with God, it makes us ready for heaven.
ReadorlistentotheBibleyourseififyouletsomeoneelsethinkforyou,you’llbecomelazyandforgethowtothink,Yourmindisgoodandstrong,but just likeyour muscles if you don't exercise it, they
will be weak. Spendtimethinkingaboutgoodthings and,sometimes,aboutthingsthatarekindofhardtounderstand.Theexerciseisgoodforyou,andyourmindwillgrowandbeabletounderstandsomuchLettheBiblebeyourteacher.
ThenpaycarefulattentiontotheBibleandprayoften.somethingsintheBibleareeasytounderstand,butsomethingsareharder.youhavetorememberotherthingsyouhavelearnedandthinkabouthowdifferentpartsoftheBiblefittogether,ThinkcarefullyaboutthethingsyoulearnfromtheBible.Asyoudo,you'llfindmanythingstherethatareoftheBibleandthinkaboutthem,you’llpierandheaithiereveryday.Don’t even open it until you
pray, Dear Father, please send Your Holy Spirit to help me understand the
things You tell me in Your Word. Thank You!Amen
TheBible tells usthatwhenwetrytounderstandwhattheBiblesaysandpray for Jesus to help us,
thatHeseesandhearsusandthatangelswillbewithus.TheHolySpiritshowsushowwonderfulJesusis.It’s HisjobtoteachusaboutJesusandHisgoodness It’s His jobtoteachushowtobesavedJesus said that the Holy Spirit will teach usall aboutHimJohn16:14.
Actuallythe Holy Spirit istheonlyOnewhocanreallyteachusaboutGodlGodtheFathergaveJesustodiesothatpeoplecanbesaved.HisdeathplovesthatHeHe
loves us very much. And HehasgiventheHolyspirittoliveinourheartssothatwecanunderstandhowmuchHelovesus.