The lovely Saviour🎁👑 is waiting to give us the Ultimate Makeover. Not only to keep looking 25 years young forever but be Born again. Its being exactly like Jesus. I'm so glad He's the One in charge of everything because Jesus is the most likeable Person in the Universe. Christians do not follow Him cos of reward of heaven or cos we're afraid of getting punished. Our Good Shepherd Jesus has friends cos they're attracted to His goodness in the Bible. That's why our amazing Creator King Jesus, disguised Himself as a humble Tradie, builder or Carpenter
There's two great powers trying to get our attention. On one side is the cruel Slavedriver Satan who hates everybody but himself. His goal is your total degradation, hurting your health and destroying others around you. His endgame is complete demonic possession and turn us into lawless, murderous criminal like he is
On God's side is our lovely Saviour, Jesus, the most well liked and popular Ruler in the Universe offering a beautiful makeover, Today, to make us as lovely Friend as His Father is.
Only when born again, are gifted new motives. Jesus wants us to repent of selfish reasons, until there's not any trace left in us
The question is do Uwant 2start living an extraordinary life? the supernatural life? 👨🎓B. A. Honours Born Again! 🎂 Revelation 3 is Jesus, LAST CALL Its essential to have the Ultimate Makeover to look at our Father God's face of holiness - a firey furnace of love Jesus is your Maker who invented you!
Jesus is the most Popular Person for generations This clicked after seeing Jesus loved listening to children trials & wiped their tears with kind words. If little people matter to God what about the rest of us! Entire villages that Jesus visited, didnt have a single person sick after He left them. Thats because Jesus always brings health, hope and happiness everywhere He goes.
(Got these new gems from the book The Desire of Ages)
Jesus said Heaven starts here, by giving all to Him & let your sin polluted, selfish heart go? The truths about our Good God, shine brighter than ever
Also looking at the LastDay of Satans life, I found a beautiful truth about Jesus, so obvious, I'm smacking my forehead 🤦I never noticed sooner - like at 5 years old!
Also using the 10 commandments, as a ruler, I got it, we can do nothing against the Truth but for Truth!🎉🥳 Great Controversy Ch42. Its the Big Reveal of Satan's horrible secret history "Satan is universally abhorred"
1 Everybody, even his followers despise him
2 They despise his ugly character, plus his ugly face is horrible to look at
3 Why? rotten to the core, totally ugly inside & outside Why? Cos he's lawless, unloving & detestable
4 Jesus is the total opposite! Jesus most popular, beautiful inside & outside, likeable, loving & lovable God His Father best friends. Jesus is the Nicest Friend for generations!
5 No wonder angels praising God constantly thanking Him for His goodness! 6 This new birth of being a True Friend is the lovely gift God offers all lost sinners
7 Sinners are in terrible slavery to cruel slavedriver until we cry out for The Exodus, Narrow a road to freedom
8 Jesus knocks at our Door daily, waiting to dine with us, to gift us His friendship, He offers to carry us & take away our heaviest burden of soul destroying guilt & carry us thru to the end
Do U want 2 escape the chains of your cruel slavedriver Satan? he hates you & wants to use you to destroy others, to be lawless murderer exactly like he is via full demon possession.
CALL ☎ on Jesus Today. Its called surrender all.
Simply ask Jesus to be your Lord, life-Companion, Friend & Guide forever 🚘Only when we give Jesus control of our lives, Ucan start living & walking in His footsteps, copy His ways.
Its the Holy Spirit who is our Teacher & Comforter to truly love others Jesus sends the emergency rescue team, lovely angels to help weakest believers.
Entire villages Jesus went to no one was sick. Jesus brings health, hope and happiness everywhere He goes
I give full control 2U dear Jesus today. Only then He can transform us. Dying to Self daily simply means, accepting you CAN'T FIX your life Can U reverse old age?
Can U believe God loves to hear fromU? Like the best mum or dad are interested in their children's lives. Keep Praying stay in touch with Jesus, for POWER
John 15 I call you no more Servants but My Friends🤝 I give you Jesus total control of my car, house I mean keys & password to my heart 💔 then Jesus can kick your cruel Slave Driver Satan out of your life TODAY
Jesus = opposite of Satan = most despised person @ Millenium End. Too late the lost outside the City, New Jerusalem see God isnt a terrorist but Satan is the TERROR.
Ezekiel 28
You shall be a Terror. They shall look for thee, but you shall be NO MORE
All see Jesus won't torture lost in burning fire. All see Satan's jealousy of Jesus' popularity caused demon filled men to cause terrible murder of God's dear Son
Too late the lost sinners see God is a good Ruler & loved them
The lost will be gnashing their teeth with regrets, intense desire to have Eternal Life
Satan will be trampled by his own Followers = furious being deceived + lost Eternal Bliss
See👀Isaiah 14.19 "you are cast off as an abominable mutation, as a dead body trodden underfoot"
God's consuming🔥in Revelation 20 explained
Fire of God is Holy Love♥️burns up
It is a Painless instant Annihilation. Dust to dust. Ashes 2 ashes
I just realized its a painless death cos can dust have any feeling?
What an amazing sacrifice Jesus gave up everything He had so we might be all He is
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