Wednesday, June 19, 2024

How to Use the 10 Commandments to Find More Nuggets about God

I really wished I could hear and see Jesus living on earth. What did his graciousness sound like? Why do some people get to be in the exclusive club of talking to Jesus in visions today? Plus, did you hear stories about so many muslims seeing and talking to Jesus lately? 

Jesus Our Good Shepherd 

By asking a few questions using the Strongs bible dictionary which provides, the opposite meanings for each Hebrew word. and also using the ten commandments as a ruler, for each bible text I was looking at,  I found how to see Jesus gracious life for real all the time. and how to know He is your loving Saviour all day long. how the Lord Jesus really is accessible to every single person looking for him. 

Why not have a go with the Opposites Quiz below?

There's two great powers trying to get our attention. On one side is the cruel Slavedriver Satan who hates everybody but himself. His goal is your total degradation, hurting your health and destroying others around you. His endgame is complete demonic possession and turn us into lawless, murderous criminal like he is

On God's side is our lovely Saviour, Jesus, the most well liked and popular Ruler in the Universe offering a beautiful makeover, Today, to make us as lovely Friend as His Father is.

Only when born again, are gifted new motives. Jesus wants us to repent of selfish reasons, until there's not any trace left in us

The brightest nugget came after asking

One important kickoff question.

who destroys satan at the Milleniums end? Is it God? No its not. but a surprising answer

Explains the mark of the beast simply

What is Gods Government like, to be ruled by Jesus?

What is living with under Satan, sin and his lawless government like? What's it like to be a slave of Satan?


what does saved mean? its to be born again. receiving the gift of the ultimate makeover. its being exactly like Jesus.

keep the 10 commandments, which are all about Jesus, being exactly like him , the nicest, friend and person you'll ever know

love God with all your heart, and your neighbors as yourself

so the opposite of a commandment keeper is rejecting Your creators friendship, hating and hurting your neighbours, that is everybody you meet. it is to rebel against your maker, the ruler of the universe

JJJesus is not your rulern istead Satan is your cruelest slavedriver

by doing as you please, your like a car with no driver, out of control on totally unaware of your danger as a dazzled passenger sitting on satans train of doom

hurting others and self all the time


uses force to make people do what they dont want to do

uses fear

no questions allowed

no free speech

only thumbs up, thumbs down button gone

live the life of a slave

work but no joy

work for nothing

What God is like?

What is righteousness by faith?

What does God's glory look like?

Who destroys Satan at the end? Is it Jesus or does the devil kill himself?

Jesus is The Favourite & most Popular Person for generations This clicked after seeing Jesus loved listening to children trials & wiped their tears with kind words. If little people matter to God what about the rest of us! Entire villages that Jesus visited, didnt have a single person sick after He left them. Thats because Jesus always brings health, hope and happiness everywhere He goes.

(Got these new gems from the book The Desire of Ages, the Chapter 51—“The Light of Life” about Pharisees saying We're Not Slaves! and Chapter 56—Blessing the Children)

Unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. being Born again is great, goodnews! to be exactly like Jesus! the Nicest Friend, Ruler of Universe. Whats the ultimate makeover look like? To be a likeable and loving true Friend to all, a gift from Jesus to all. Love God and Everyone as ourselves. Instead of the horrible character, we're born with, being a rebel against your Maker, hating & hurting everybody like the devil, your Slavedriver.

Why not Choose Freedom today? because tomorrow never comes, that means you'll be nearly saved but totally lost

if you suddenly realized you're a slave to sin, like the Hebrews in Egypt, there's hope for you.

but there is an Exodus! Jesus made a way of escape for all of us

How? Surrender all to Jesus Today. Give Him the Keys to your house, car and the password to your heart ♥️

Bible Treasures Opposites Quiz 

*πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸ‘‡Take a look at Revelation 21. Ask the question,

What opposites can I find in the verse?

Can I find a matching example from the 10 commandments?

10 commandments are all about Jesus. He was the only Person who lived them

Being a true friend of God and Everyone 

They are 10 promises, what our Saviour wants to do FOR us

The power to live 10 Commandments are included in the gift of New Birth we received when Jesus is our Lord for life

Do you want to be a True Friend, that loving and likeable friend is described described in the 10 Commandments?

How does it go into detail what will the community life be like in God's Country?

ANSWERS Guess the Opposites in Revelation 21 about what will the life in God's Country look like?

Notes : Matthew 5 Beatitudes
Notes : Opposite
Notes : 10 Commandments as a Promise 
Notes : Revelation 21
Notes : Modern Spin

Notes 1: Blessed, so happy are 
They'll be called children of God, part of God's family

The meek inherit the new heaven and earth

Notes 2 : Wars
Hurting own health
Hurting others
Looking out for self only

Notes : 
5th Honour your father and mother, respecting elders, listening to instructions, childlike learner for life 
opposite disrespectful 
ignoring Bible warnings 
Doubting God's love or care for us individually 

6th You shall not kill
Notes 3 : No more death
Notes : No more funerals or graveyards 
No more goodbyes
Only eternal life

Matthew 5
Blessed, supremely happy, are Peacemakers, called children of God

Matthew 5 If you are angry with your brother without cause, in danger of hell fire (sin inside sinners causes death in God's holy firey loving presence)

Happy families
No voices raised in arguments 
Looking out for others happiness, heart of a servant 

Matthew 5
Blessed, supremely happy, are Peacemakers, called children of God

Matthew 5 If you are angry with your brother without cause, in danger of hell fire (sin inside sinners causes death in God's holy firey loving presence)


Notes 4 : Matthew 5:4
 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted
Notes : Funeral trains

Notes : 6th command You shall not kill 
Notes : No more sorrow
Notes : Happy reunion 
Enjoying eternal bliss with reuniting with Long lost friends and loved ones
Harmonious community life
No voices raised or conflicts 
enjoyable work
building mansions
fulfilled ambitions 
develop enterprises - dream career
delightful surprises - impossible to be bored when Jesus is so creative
creating new friends and animals 
privilege of space travel 

Notes 5 : Matthew 5:4
 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted
Notes : No more pain or sickness
Notes : Only healthy bodies
Feeling 25 years young forever
Telescopic vision
Microscopic vision
Ultraviolet Vision
1000% brain power
Enjoy the privilege of space travel without a rocket ship
Travelling to other planets
sharing what Jesus did for you

Notes 6 : Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for doing the right and decent thing: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 
Notes : No more crying
Notes : Always happy
Only delightful surprises everyday 
Nobody feels tired or need to rest from the extremely interesting experiences 
No boredom


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