Friday, December 24, 2021

David Asks Why? Chapter 11 We can pray!


God has all sorts of ways to talk to us. He speaks to us in the Bible and through the lovely things in the outside world. He speaks to us by miracles and by feelings He puts In our hearts. But this is not enough. We need to talk to Him as well as listen to Him talk to us. We can share all our feelings with Him. if we want our hearts to be alive and strong, we need to share what we think and feel with our Friend, Jesus. 

We can think about Him about the things He does and how kind He is. But even that is not really spending good time with Jesus. We need to tell Him about the things that happen in our lives Prayer is opening up our hearts to God and talking to Him the way we would to a friend. 

He doesn't need us to tell Him what we're like, but we need to talk to Him so that we can bring Him into our hearts more. Prayer doesn't bring God down to be with us, as some people think it does. When we pray, it's like our hearts go up to heaven to be with Him When Jesus was here on earth, He taught His disciples how to pray. He told them that if they ever needed anything, they should ask God. 

 They shouldn't worry, but should give their worries to God. He promised them that God would hear them and He will hear us too. When Jesus lived on earth, He spent a lot of time praying. He understood the things that we need and how we aren't as strong as we should be. 

So He prayed for us. He prayed all the time that God would make Him strong so that He would be all right when bad things happened to Him or when He had to do something hard. He is our Example. Jesus is our Brother and knows what it feels like to be tempted, just as we do. 

But He didn't have any sin in Him, so it hurt Him to see evil things. He often had hard times and a sad heart because sin was everywhere. Because He was a person like us, Jesus knew He had to pray, And He was glad that He could pray He felt better when He prayed; it really made Him happy to spend time with His Father. 

 if our Saviour, God's own Son, knew He needed to pray, just think how much more we need to pray we are so weak and sinful. we need to pray hard and often. our Father in heaven wants to give us many good presents, His love is like a water fountain at which we can drink as much as we want anytime. So it's really amazing that we don’t pray as often as we should. God is waiting. 

He wants to answer our prayers. He doesn't care if we're an important person or someone who's not very important at all. we shouldn't be shy to tell God what we want. The angers in heaven are surprised that the poor people on earth who are tempted all the time don't ask God for help. He wants to give them many things they need but they don't even ask! 

 The angels love to be near God, and they bow when they are in His presence. They like spending time with Him more than anything else. let’s amazing that the people on earth, who need so much help from God, often don't even know He’s there. They seem perfectly happy to go their own way and not spend time with Him at all. if you don't pray, Satan makes your heart dark. He whispers temptations in your ear, and if you haven’t been praying, he can talk you into sinning. 

Prayer is a special appointment with God. Don't be shy about praying! Heaven is like a big room full of gifts and treasures, and prayer is like a key to open up that room. If you forget to pray, you might become careless and find yourself doing bad things. Satan doesn't want you to be able to talk to God, so he does everything he can to keep you from praying. He wants to trap you and get you to sin. Do you want God to listen to your prayers and answer them? 

 First of all, you need to know how much you need Him. He gave us this promise, l will pour water into the mouths of those who are thirsty, and will send rain to the dry, cracked ground Isaiah 44.3 .if you really want to be good and you want it as much as you want food when you're hungry then God will fill you up. But He can fill you with His goodness only if you are willing to let Him change you. 

Do you know one of the reasons God likes to help us? Because we need His help so much. But we have to ask for His help. He says, Ask for what you want, and lull give it to you Matthew 7:7 . 

When God sent Jesus to earth to die to save us, He was giving us the very best gift He could give. And He will give us everything else we could possibly need as well Romans 8:32 . if you decide to hang on to sin to keep doing bad things even when you know they're wrong Jesus won't listen to you when you pray But if you are sorry for your sins and want to be forgiven, 

 He will listen when you pray. When you make everything right the best way you know how, then you can know that God will hear your prayers. God doesn't love you more when you do good things. He loves you because Jesus was so good and has promised to clean you up. 

But you still have work to do. If you want your prayers to get things done, you need to believe. God says that if you come to Him and look for Him, He will help you Hebrews 11:6 

 Jesus told His special friends, the disciples, When you pray, you may ask for whatever you need. if you believe, you will get what you asked for Mark 11.24 

 Do you really believe Him? God's promises are very big, and He will do what He has promised. if you don't get exactly what you pray for at just the time you hoped you would, don't be upset! Keep on believing, because God does hear you, and He will answer. 


Sometimes we don't know what's best for us, and we ask for something that wouldn't really make us happy Our dear Father in heaven answers our prayers by giving us something better. if we could see how everything will work out in the end, we'd see that God gives us what we would really want if we understood the whole story. 

if it seems that God hasn't answered your prayers, remember that He has promised to hear you. you'll get your answer at just the right time. God will give you what you need the most. But don't think that God will answer your prayers in exactly the way you ask Him to. He's too smart to make a mistake, and He's so good that He’ll always give you the very best when you choose to obey. 

 Don't be afraid to believe in God, even if He doesn't give the answer you want right away. Be member, He has promised, Ask, and will give you what you need. if you decide not to believe God's promises until you can figure everything out and understand it, you'll be stressed and worried. Don't think about all the things you are afraid of. 

When you come to God just the way you are, knowing that you can't do everything by yourself, He can help you. He will listen to you, and His light will shine into your hearts and make you feel better. 

 Do you want to learn to be friends with God? Do you want to understand what He is like? you can do this by praying with all your heart You may not feel that Jesus is near, but He is close to you, and He is ready to show you His love. 

You may not be able to feel His warm hugs, but you need to remember that He is there just the same, covering you up in His love. if you want to receive the gifts that you ask God for, you must keep praying, because that's how it works. 

Do you want to grow and be a better Christian? Keep praying! Be ready to pray all the time. Keep on praying and giving thanks because Jesus is listening Romans 12.12 Colossians 4:2 

The disciple Peter tells us to be serious and pay attention to your prayers . The apostle Paul says, Tell God just what you need and be thankful at the same time Philippians 4:6 . We should pray to God This is how we stay close to Jesus and learn to live in His love Jude 20,21 if we want to be best friends with God, we need to pray and pray and pray. God will fill up our lives, and then we will be able to share His love and goodness. 

It's important that you pray often. Don't let anything get in your wiry. Do all you can to stay friends with Jesus. if you know of a place where people are getting together to pray. make sure you go every time. if you’re really trying to know God better, you will go to every prayer meeting you can; good things come from praying together with other people. 

You'll learn more about heaven and God’s love. Pray with your family too But, most important. remember to pray by yourself, because this is what will make you a strong Christian. You can't be a real Christian if you don't pray. let’s not enough to pray with your family, and it’s not enough to pray at church. when you are all by yourself, you should tail God everything that is on your mind. These prayers are no one else's business. They are between you and God only. 

Find a quiet time and a quiet place to pray to God alone. You don't have to get excited when you pray; just talk to God like you would to a friend. He will hear your prayers and give you a sweet, happy heart. if you spend time with God and believe His promises, your heart will be filled with His love and made strong against Satan if you pray early in the day in your special place, you will be able to talk to God all day long too. 

That's how Enoch in the Bible stayed so close to God. God loves to hear the quiet prayers that we whisper from our hearts as we work and play. if we keep God in our hearts like this, Satan cannot win over us. to God anytime or anywhere. 

Nothing can stop you if you are in a crowded, busy place, or if you are doing your chores, you can ask God to help you and teach you. you may have your quiet prayer time with God wherever you are. you should keep giving your heart to Jesus all day long, every day. 

Keep asking Him to come into your heart and fill you with good things Even when there are bad things going on around you, you don't have to be a part of it. You can carry heaven around in your heart You don't have to choose bad thoughts. You can lift your heart up to God by praying. if you want God to be with you, just let Him keep coming in. You can be good and carry goodness around in your heart all the time.

  You can learn to be His very dear friend. We need to understand Jesus better than we do. We need to understand heaven. We must be kind and good and holy, and if we want this to happen, we should ask God to teach us all about heaven. Let God help you see what heaven is like. if you stay close to God, then when something bad comes along, you will automatically think about Him. You can go to God whenever you need Him 

Tell God about everything in your life. Tell Him what you want and what makes you happy. Tell Him what makes you sad and what you worry about. Tell Him what scares you too. You can't bother Him or make Him tired. He knows you so well, that He even knows how many hairs you have on your head. He re ally loves you and pays attention to what you care about. The Lord is full of kindness and mercy James 5.11 

 His heart is full of love, and He understands when you are sad. if something is bothering you, tell God. Nothing is too hard for Him to handle! He is big enough to hold the planets up and to take care of everything all at once. if something bothers your heart, then it's important enough for God to pay attention to it and help you. 

No matter how bad you have been, He understands; your worst troubles are easy for Him to take care of. our dear Father sees every bad thing that happens to you. He also watches when you're worried or when you're happy. He hears you every time you pray to Him. God is really good at healing broken hearts and soothing their pain Psalm 147:31 

 He loves you so much that it's like you are the very best friend He has ever had. He takes care of you as if you were His only precious child. Jesus says that when we ask for anything in His name, God will hear us because He loves us. Jesus has chosen us as His special children, and He will ask His Father to give us what we ask for John 1 6.26,27 and 15:16 

But just saying, Dear Jesus, at the beginning of your prayer, or saying, in Jesus' name, Amen, at the close of your prayer isn't really praying in Jesus ‘name. Praying in Jesus' name means to pray like Jesus prayed. 

We ask for what He wants, and we believe His promises. Then we can trust Him, and we can do the things He wants us to do. That's how we really pray in Jesus' name. Some people go off by themselves away from other people so they can spend all their time alone, worshiping and praying. 

That's not what Jesus wants us to do He wants us to live like He did. Jesus did spend some of His time off by Himself praying. But then He would spend time with people helping them and teaching them. if all you ever do is pray, soon you won't pray anymore, or your prayers will become boring and empty. if you stop spending time visiting with people and helping them, if you stop working like Jesus worked, pretty soon you'll not have anything else to pray about. 

Your prayers will become selfish because you won't know what other people need any_ more. You should pray that you will be strong to do the work Jesus assigns you. are supposed to be happy. 

We need to spend time encouraging other Christians, helping each other be strong and work for God. if we don't do this, soon the Bible won't seem so real or important to us anymore. We’ll stop knowing how to live as Christians should live. we should be kind and loving to other Christians. we should share and help others or we aren't doing the work that Jesus wants us to do. if we learn to be friendly and get along with people, we can be a better help to God 

Do you want a happier heart? Then you should spend time with other Christians and talk about God's love and how He saves us. 

 if you learn more about our Father in heaven every day, then you'll want to tell people about His love. if you tell other people about God’s love, you’ll feel happy and encouraged. Do you want Jesus to be very close to you? Then you must think about Him and talk about Him. 

How many times today has God given you little gifts of love? Every time you see something that God has made for you or shared with you, you should think about Him and His goodness. 

This will help you enjoy talking and singing about Him. Here on earth we talk about all sorts of interesting things that we see and hear. We talk to our friends because we love them. It's the same with God. We should think about Him and talk with Him because we love Him. We need to talk about how good and strong He is. 

God gives us many lovely things so we can remember Him and think about Him. Stop thinking about all the little unimportant things around you. Look up and think about Jesus, who will save you if you come to Him Hebrews 7:25 . We need to spend a lot more time praising God, because He is so good and gives us so many good things Psalm 107:8

 We shouldn't spend time with Him just so we can pray and ask for things. We should tell Him thank You for the wonderful gifts He has given us. We don't say thank You nearly as often as we should. A long time ago, when God's people, the Israelites, went to church, God told them to be happy and joyful in everything that they did 

Deuteronomy 12'.7 He said that they should sing happy songs and have cheerful hearts. God doesn't like sadness and gloominess. 

Our God is a kind Father with a soft heart. Don't think that working for Him makes you sad or stressed out. Worshiping Jesus and working for Him should make you happy God has given us a wonderful gift by saving us, and He doesn't want us to act sad and tired like slaves. He is your best Friend, and when you worship Him, He wants to be with you. He will make you happy and comfort you when you're upset. He'll fill your heart with joy and love and make you glad. 

 God wants you to have fun and be happy while you do the things He asks you to do. When you worship Him, you will learn all sorts of nice things to help you be happier when you work and play and study. He will make you strong to always tell the truth and to be faithful and work hard. Think about how Jesus died for you, because this is how Heaves you. You should think about this and talk about this. should make you really happy.

 Always think about the wonderful things that God has given to you. When you understand how much He loves you, you will be willing to trust Him in everything and to obey Him. By praising God and learning to be thankful, we will understand what heaven is like. In heaven, the angels sing and play beautiful music to praise God. We, too, should be thankful and sing to Him with all our hearts Isaiah 51.3 

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