Friday, December 24, 2021

David Asks Why? Ch 13 Happy in Jesus

Do you know what your job is? Your job is to show people what Jesus is like by being good and kind, you can show others that Jesus is good and kind. Jesus showed us what His Father was like, and we must show the whole world that Jesus  has soft heart and loves each person The Father sent Jesus  to do this job, and so now Jesus sends us to do the same thing. 

God was in Jesus, shining out. And Jesus wants to be in your heart to shine out to other people too John 17.18 23 The Bible says that we're supposed to be like a love letter that Jesus wrote to the world, telling them how much He  loves them 2 Corinthians 3.32 

 lf you are Jesus' child, then you are like a letter to your family and your neighbourhood and your city, telling them what Jesus wants them to know. Jesus is living in your heart, and He wants to talk to people who don’t know Him yet. 

Some people don't read the Bible. or they don’t understand what they read. Maybe they don't understand that all  the beautiful things in the world are God's presents to them. But  if you re ally belong to Jesus, maybe you’re the one who can  teach them about His goodness and love, and then maybe they will  want to work for Jesus tool 

This world is like a dark place because not many people 
know Jesus. Christians are like a flashlight to light the way and  show other people how to get to heaven Jesus is the light  that shines out of them. when other people see what a Christian  does and how a Christian acts, they should learn about Jesus. lf you show other people what Jesus is like, they will see that it is fun to work for Him because it is Christians  who complain and act gloomy and sad are lying about God.   

That is not what it means to be a Christian. They act as if God  doesn’t want His children to be happy, and so they are really  telling lies about God Satan loves it when he can make God's children sad and  doubt He is pleased when we don't trust God or don't think He's strong enough to take care of us. Satan wants us to think that  God's way will make us miserable and unhappy. 

Satan teaches  people that God doesn't feel sorry when we're sad and  that He doesn't really love us. Satan lies about God whenever he can, and he  fills people’s heads with false ideas about God. Sometimes we think about the lies that Satan tells and wonder whether God really doesn't love us very much.   Then we start complaining and grumbling about God. 

Satan wants to  make Christians sad. He wants us to think that being a  Christian is hard and too much work. lf a Christian acts as if that is true,  he's helping Satan tell his lies. Many people spend a lot of time thinking about all the bad things they've done and the mistakes they've made.

They think about the sad things in their lives, and all this fills them  with sadness. Some people are like two ladies in a dream in  the dream, the ladies were walking through a garden, being  showed around by the gardener. One lady was picking flowers  and smelling their lovely perfume. But the other lady, who  was beside her, said, Look at those ugly thorns! They are in  my way She started crying because she couldn't get through them. 

But the whole time, she wasn't walking on the path. She was walking where all the thorns and prickles were She sadly said, isn’t it awful that this beautiful garden is all filled with thorns? But the gardener said, Leave the thorns  alone, because they'll just hurt you instead, pick the roses and  lilies and other flowers.

 Have you had good, happy times in your life? 

Have you had times when you were so happy with God that you  thought your heart was full? Have good things happened to you?   God’s promises are all around you, kind of like the flowers in the  garden in the dream. Let the sweet beauty of God's promises fill your heart and make you happy! The thorns and prickles will just hurt you. 

lf you collect all the bad things and share them with others. you are  ignoring God’s goodness And you are also making life harder for other  people. It’s not very smart to keep thinking about the bad  things in your life Don't sit around remembering your sad times  and your sins. Stop talking about them and fussing about them  until your heart breaks! when you are sad, your heart is filled with  darkness. 

lt makes it harder to see God's light, and you make  others around you sad. Thank God for the good times He's given you Think  about all the things that make you happy your blessings. Maybe  even make a list of all your blessings so you can think about  them all the time Here are some of the good things in your life:   

Jesus came from heaven to be a human and save us from  Satan. Jesus won the war over Satan, so now we can go to heaven.  We don’t have to be stuck sinning anymore, because we are  friends with God again. Now we can believe in Jesus and be holy and  good; and we can go to be with Him at His throne. 

All these are things that God likes you to think , doubt God's love and don't believe His  promises, we dishonour God, and we make Him sad.   How would your mom feel if you always complained about her and thought she  was mean? How would she feel if you told her, You always try to  make my whole life miserable and sad ! You don't really love  me? lt would break her heart and make her so sad, wouldn't it? God doesn't like you to act that way about Him either.

He gave His only Son to die for you just so that you could live.

And you can be sure that He will give you everything that is best for  you to have Romans 8:32 But sometimes people act as if  God doesn’t really love them at all. They think, Well, maybe Gad  loves other people, but He doesn't love meal this just hurts your own heart. Every time you say  something about not believing God, you're letting Satan  tempt you more. lt makes you think about doubt more, and  sometimes it even chases the angels away! 

When Satan tries to talk you into thinking sad thoughts or not believing God, don't say a  word about not believing. When you feel sad or think you can't  believe in God, don’t talk about it. Don't even think about it, because if  you let Satan trick you into thinking that way, it will make you doubt even more. lt can also make other people sad and dscouraged, and you might not ever be able to help them be happy and  strong again. 

Maybe you can get over your sad feelings, but you don't  know if these other people will be able to. So don't talk about  your doubts or fears. let’s very important to talk only about things  listening to what you say about Jesus.


Talk  about your wonderful Jesus and how He is working to help  you. When you are with your friends, talk about God and how  good He is. This will help them think good things about Jesus too. Everyone has bad things that happen to them. let’s hard  to deal with sad times, and it's hard to say no when Satan  tempts us. But don't tell all these things to other people. 

Pray  to God and tell it all to Him. When you're having a hard time  believing or when you're discouraged, make it your rule to  never, ever talk about it. lf you talk instead about trust and happiness,  you can really be a big help to other people. You can help make  them strong. A lot of people have hard temptations and feel tired and sad. Some of these people might be almost ready to give up.

Don’t make them sad! Help them be happy by speaking good, happy words to them. Jesus' light can shine out of you.

 Remember, you're not all by yourself there are other people to help  along the way Roman 14:7

You can be a help to someone,  or you can discourage someone and make them not want Jesus  just by the words you say. Some people don't understand what Jesus was like when He was here on earth. They think that He wasn't very friendly or happy. They think He was hard and strict and kind of sad. Being Happy in Jesus Some people are sad Christians because they think that  is how Jesus is. Some people like to say that Jesus cried, but no 'ne ever  saw Him smile. It's true that Jesus had a lot of sadness inHis life, because He opened up His heart to people and feel their sad ness and hurting. 

But even though He gave and gave to  others, and even though He sometimes hurt and had serious  things to think about, He didn't have a sad, broken heart. He  didn't work around looking sad. He had a peaceful, quiet, happy  look on His face. His heart was full of joy, and He shared rest and peace and happiness with everyone around Him. Jesus was very serious and very careful about everything He did. But He was never gloomy or depressed.

Christians should be serious and know that they have important  things to do. They won't be silly and they won’t be rude, smart  alecks. But that doesn't stop them from being cheerful. A  Christian will have bright, smiling face. Jesus didn't come so that  everyone could help Him and work for Him. 

He came to be a  helper. When you love people like Jesus did, you will be a happy  helper too. if spend your time thinking about the mean things that  people have done to you, you won't be able to love those  people like Jesus does. 

If you think about Jesus and how much He  loves you, then you'll be able to love others in the same way. we  should love each other and be respectful, even when other  people don’t treat us very well. Don’t trust yourself. Remember that you are nothing  without Jesus. Learn to be patient when other people aren't  perfect.
 If you do that, you won't be selfish anymore. you'll have a  big heart and want to share with others. King David said, lf you trust God and do good things to other people, you will have a long life, and you will have all the food you need Psalm 37:3 

 Bad things will happen to you every day. And it's easy to talk to other people about the bad things that have happened to you. Sometimes we talk about bad things that haven't even happened yet, but that we are afraid  might happen. We talk about how worried we are. People  listening to us might think we didn't have Jesus to take care of us!

He is waiting to hear what we have to say, and He is ready to 
help us. Some people are always afraid, always worrying about  things. Every day they can see God's many presents all around  them, and they use the many things that He has given them. But  they don’t even notice all the good things that God has given them  right now. They just keep thinking about some bad thing  either something that has actually happened to them or something  that might happen. We can make little, tiny problems look so big  that we can’t see all the good things or remember to say thank  You for God’s blessings. Hard times should make us go to Go for help, but, instead, we let them pull us away from God because we like to complains it good for us to doubt like this? Shouldn't we trust  God? Yes, we should be thankful! Jesus is our Friend, and all  the angels want to make us happy. Don't let the problems  and troubles in life make you upset. lf you do, you’ll always  have something to worry about. 

Don't have a bad attitude  that just upsets you and makes you tired, because it doesn't help  you at all. You may be confused about something you need to  figure out. It may look like you have no hope and that you're going  to lose everything. Don't be discouraged and sad! Give your  sadness to Jesus and stay calm and happy. Pray that God will help  you do the best you can. Then do the very best job you know how.

Jesus has promised to help us, but only if we're trying too. When  you trust in Jesus and do all you can, then just take whatever  happens and keep a happy heart. God doesn't want you to be sad and burdened with  worries. But He's honest too. He doesn't try to tell us that  nothing bad will ever happen to us.

 He knows that bad things will come.  He doesn’t promise to keep every bad thing away from us, but He  does promise to help us meet them and get through them. Jesus  tells us that we will have problems, but not to worry, because He is  in charge of everything John 11.15 16:33 

One day, Jesus preached a very famous sermon up on a  mountainside. in His sermon, He taught important lessons  about trusting God. You can learn a lot if you pay attention to  what Jesus said. He pointed to the birds that were singing nearby.   They praised God with their songs and didn't worry at all.  They didn’t have to work hard planting gardens and waiting for  food to grow. Yet, Jesus said, God takes care of them. Then He  added, You are so much more important than the little birds   Matthew 6:26

God gives everyone what they need, and His hand is  open with plenty of gifts. The birds are so little, but they  aren't too little for God to notice and care for. We're more  important than the birds Matthew 6:26 

of course, God doesn't  drop food right into the birds' mouths, but He does make  food grow for them to eat. They have to collect the little seeds that God gives them, and they have to build nests for their babies. The whole time they are working, they are singing because  God has given them what they need. 

You are smart, and  you can know and love God; you're worth a lot more than the  birds. Don’t you think God will give you what you need if you  just trust Him? Jesus pointed to the flowers growing all around  Him. They were bright and beautiful because God made  them that way. Jesus said, Think about the lilies and how they grow.

These little flowers are more beautiful than the richest king in his fanciest clothes. Then Jesus said, lf God dresses the grass so  nicely with all the flowers, don't you think He'll give you  clothes? you just don't believe enough Matthew 6:28 . God is the  greatest artist, and He takes time to paint each little flower in  lovely colours even though they don't last very long. You are made to  be like God, so think how much more He will pay attention to  you!

 Jesus was teaching a very important lesson to those who  worry and doubt, Jesus wants all his children to be happy and restful and obedient. He promises that He will give us a special, easy, restful heart like He has. Nothing in the world can give you that kind  of peaceful heart, but Jesus can. Don't let your heart be upset;  you don’t have to be afraid John 14:27

Jesus tells us all this so that we can be full of His happiness and so that we can be glad John 15:11 lf you are selfishly looking to be happy and you don't  want to obey God, you won't have a good time. When you think  you’re happy, you'll lose that happiness and be sad and lonely 
again back and forth. But if you work for God, then you'll be happy you won’t have to be scared. You can know what to do and  where to go. 

And even if you don't have a whole lot of happy  times now, just remember that you'll be happier than you can imagine once you get to heaven. But even now you can be happy because you have Jesus for your Friend You can feel His love, and you'll always feel better because Jesus is near

 Everything you do can make you better friends with Jesus and help you know Him better. you can be more sure than you ever were before. God has helped you until now, and He will help you until the end l Samuel 7.12 Look at the things that God has already done for you and re member how He has saved you from Satan. 

Think about how kind God has been how He has dried your tears when you cried and helped you feel so much better when you were hurting He’s helped you forget your worries and helped you not be afraid any more He's given you the things you needed and filled your life with good things lf you think about all these things, you can be strong to keep on living.

We know that we have hard times coming, but we can look at how well God has taken care of us before, and we can be sure that He will make us strong enough to meet all our problems Deuteronomy 33:25

 We'll never have problems too big to handle. Just keep doing the things you know you should do and remember that whatever happens, God will make you strong enough to be the winner. Before long, heaven's gates will be opened wide to let God’s children come in. And then they will hear Jesus, their King, say, Come in. My Father loves every one of you. let’s time to live in the place that We've getting ready for you since the world was made Matthew 25.34

 Then everyone who has been saved will go into the home that Jesus had made for them. They won't have to be around liars or evil people. They won't have to be around people with unclean hearts or people who don't believe in God.

 They will spend their time with other people who have won against Satan people whom God has made perfect and lovely. Jesus will take away all the bad things. We won't be tempted or bothered anymore. We will be perfect. We will be wonderful and holy like Jesus! We won’t have any sin in our hearts anymore, and we will be friends and workers with the angels. 

When you think about all the wonderful things of heaven and know that you can have them, is anything more important to you than Jesus?

 Don't you want to get rid of everything that might take you away from Him? Matthew 16:26 

 Even if you are poor now, in Jesus you have everything that really matters. No one on earth can give you these treasures. When your heart has been saved and cleaned up from sin and you spend your time working for God, you'll be precious to Him.

 Jesus and the angels are so happy when one person is saved. They are so happy that everyone there sings the songs that only winners can sing.


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