If you haven't already tried the Bible Storying questions - why not have a go now? Its a real eye-opening blessing. And you will know God knows your heart and carries your burdens.
Feel welcome to add your responses in the comment box below!
(You can download this page as pdf for printing. here. Also download the 2012 draft of Bible Storying Manual - used successfully for illiterate / aural learning countries)
Bible storying QA To think about to find the hidden treasures
1.What surprised you in this parable? Did anything make you wonder about God in this parable?
1b.What is the back story?(How does what happened prior to the story affect how people behave now?)
2. Who is the Shepherd?
2b. And who are the sheep? Can you think of another time in the bible that talks about a Shepherd?
2c. What are the sheep relationship with Shepherd like?
2d. How to tell if you're one of the Shepherd's sheep?
3. What is the problem the Shepherd faces? How does He solve His problem?
4. What problem does the sheep face? What can the sheep do about this problem?
5. Are there any believers or unbelievers in the story?
6. Does anyone change in this story and what can we learn?
7. How does the choices of people in the story effect the rest of the universe or heaven?
Ellen White writes, "By the lost sheep Christ represents not only the individual sinner but the one world that has apostatized and has been ruined by sin.
This world is but an atom in the vast dominions over
which God presides, yet this little world - the one lost sheep is more
precious in His sight than are the 99 that went not astray from the
fold. Christ, the loved Commander in the heavnly courts, stooped from
His high estate, laid aside the glory that He had with the Father, in
order to save the one lost world.
He left th sinless worlds on high, the
99 that loved Him and came to this earth, to be "wounded for our
transgressions" and "bruised for our iniquities"Is 53.5
God gave Himself in His Son that He might have the joy of receing back the sheep that was lost". - COL 167
1. How much are we able to help ourselves when were 'lost'? What can we do?
2. What does Jesus do when we ask for His aid?
3. What do we discover of God's glory ie character of mercy, goodness, courage, wisdom, patience?
4. In reality what happened to the Shepherd in search for the one lost sheep?
5. What was at stake if the Shepherd did not succeed in His mission?
6. Are there any supernatural events in this parable - how does it affect the other characters?
7. What is the results of the choices of characters in this parable - how did this affect others?
8. Has this ever happened to me or anyone I know before?
9. This is amazing try praying and asking God where was He when this happened to you
9b. Can you find God's plan of salvation in this parable (explain in a Big Picture ie. non-legal way)?
10. Have you been able to memorise the parable and able to use these questions for a group study?
God gave Himself in His Son that He might have the joy of receing back the sheep that was lost". - COL 167
1. How much are we able to help ourselves when were 'lost'? What can we do?
2. What does Jesus do when we ask for His aid?
3. What do we discover of God's glory ie character of mercy, goodness, courage, wisdom, patience?
4. In reality what happened to the Shepherd in search for the one lost sheep?
6. Are there any supernatural events in this parable - how does it affect the other characters?
7. What is the results of the choices of characters in this parable - how did this affect others?
8. Has this ever happened to me or anyone I know before?
9. This is amazing try praying and asking God where was He when this happened to you
9b. Can you find God's plan of salvation in this parable (explain in a Big Picture ie. non-legal way)?
10. Have you been able to memorise the parable and able to use these questions for a group study?
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